photo: Crotaphytus collaris auriceps near Moab, Utah by Barney Oldfield
- 57. Agan, J.; Macedonia, J.M.; Grinderstaff, J.; Fox, S.F. 2024. Orange ornamentation increases sex-specific conspicuousness of juvenile males to conspecifics and predators. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 142:1-15. PDF Supplemental File
- 56. Uetz, G.W.; Gilbert, R.; Wilson, R.; Mann, J.; Macedonia, J.; Clark, D.L. 2024. Background contrast affects detection and recognition of courting wolf spiders by intended and unintended receivers. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 78 (43):1-18. PDF
- 55. Macedonia, J.M.; Clark, D.L.; Fonley, M.R., Rowe, J.W., Neyer, E.E., Mancero, EJ., Valle, C.A. 2023. They might be giants: Divergence in display structure between two island populations of Galápagos lava lizards (Microlophus bivittatus). Herpetologica 79:196-206. PDF Supplemental Tables, Image & Videos
- 54. Clark, D.L.; Macedonia, J.M.; Neyer, E.E.; Mish, A.M.E., Rowe, J.W.; Valle, C.A. 2023. Display responses of Galápagos lava lizards (Microlophus bivittatus) to manipulation of male shoulder epaulets on conspecific-mimicking robots. Herpetologica 79:37-47. PDF Supplemental Image & Fig Videos
- 53. Macedonia, J.M.; Clark, D.L.; Fonley, M.R. 2021. Analysis of bobbing displays in the grahami series anoles from Jamaica and Grand Cayman. Herpetological Monographs 35:65-89. PDF Videos
- 52. Macedonia, J.M.; Clark, D.L.; Fonley, M.R.; Centurione, I.; Rowe, J.W.; Valle, C.A. 2019. Analysis of bobbing displays in four species of Galápagos lava lizards using conventional and novel quantitative methods. Herpetologica 75:290-300. PDF Table S1 Videos
- 51. Clark, D.L.; Macedonia, J.M.; Rowe, J.W.; Austin, M.R.; Centurione, I.M.; Valle, C.A. 2019. Galápagos lava lizards (Microlophus bivittatus) respond dynamically to displays from interactive conspecific robots. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73:136. PDF Supplemental Image & Videos
- 50. Clark, D.L.; Macedonia, J.M.; Rowe, J.W.; Kamp, K; Valle, C.A. 2017. Responses of Galápagos lava lizards (Microlophus bivittatus) to manipulation of female nuptial coloration on lizard robots. Herpetologica 73:323-330. PDF Supplemental Images
- 49. Macedonia, J.M.; Clark, D.L; McIntosh, A.P. 2016. Differential range expansion and habitat use among the naturalized Anolis lizards of Bermuda. Herpetological Review 47:529-535. PDF
- 48. Clark, D.L; Macedonia, J.M.; Gillingham, J.C.; Rowe, J.W.; Kane, H.J.; Valle, C.A. 2016. Why does conspecific display recognition differ among species of Galápagos lava lizards? A test using lizard robots. Herpetologica 72:47-54. PDF Figure S1 Figure S2
- 47. Clark, D.L.; Macedonia, J.M.; Rowe, J.W.; Stuart, M.A.; Kemp, D.J.; Ord, T.J. 2015. Evolution of displays in Galápagos lava lizards: Comparative analyses of signalers and robot playbacks to receivers. Animal Behaviour 109:33-44. PDF Supplemental Figures Table S1
- 46. Macedonia, J.M.; Clark, D.L. Cherry, L.E.; Mohamed, N.E.; and Bartel, B.W. 2015. Comparison of headbob displays in gray-dewlapped and red-dewlapped populations of green anoles (Anolis carolinensis). Herpetologica 71:117-124. PDF
- 45. Macedonia, J.M.; Clark, D.L.; Brown, Z.N.; Gensterblum, S.; McNabb, L.; Myrberg, A.B.; Myrberg, B.D.; Petroche, M.F.; and Karson, A. 2015. Responses of Anolis grahami males to manipulations of species identity and components of displays in lizard robots. Herpetologica 71:110-116. PDF
- 44. Macedonia, J.M.; Clark, D.L.; Tamasi, A.L. 2014. Does selection favor dewlap colors that maximize detectability? A test with five species of Jamaican Anolis lizards. Herpetologica 70:157-170. PDF
- 43. Kemp, D.J.; Jones, D.; Macedonia, J.M.; Krockenberger, A.K. 2014. Female mating preferences and male signal variation in iridescent Hypolimnas butterflies. Animal Behaviour 87:221-229. PDF
- 42. Langford, G.J.; Macedonia, J.M.; Bessette, C.W.; Matey, J.L.; Raboin, B.A.; Schiffmacher, A.E.; Reynolds, B.J. 2014. Phenotypic plasticity in the relative hindlimb growth of lab-reared Anolis sagrei: Replication of experimental results and a test of perch diameter preference. Journal of Herpetology 48:228-232. PDF
- 41. Macedonia, J.M.; Clark, D.L.; Riley, R.G.; Kemp, D.J. 2013. Species recognition of color and motion signals in Anolis grahami: evidence from responses to lizard robots. Behavioral Ecology 24:846-852. PDF
- 40. White, T.E.; Macedonia, J.; Birch, D.; Dawes, J.; Kemp, D.J. 2012. The nanoanatomical basis of sexual dimorphism in iridescent butterfly colouration. Australian Journal of Zoology 60:101-107. PDF
- 39. Rutowski, R.L.; Nahm, A.C.; Macedonia, J.M. 2010. Iridescent hindwing patches in the Pipevine Swallowtail: Differences in dorsal and ventral surfaces relate to signal function and context. Functional Ecology 24:767-775. PDF
- 38. Macedonia, J.M.; Lappin, A.K.; Loew, E.R.; McGuire, J.A.; Plasman, M.; Hamilton, P.S.; Brandt, Y.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Kemp, D.J. 2009. Conspicuousness of Dickerson’s collared lizard (Crotaphytus dickersonae) through the eyes of conspecifics and predators. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 97:749-765. PDF
- 37. Kemp, D.J.; Macedonia, J.M.; Ball, T.S.; Rutowski, R.L. 2008. The potential direct fitness consequences of ornament-based mate choice in a butterfly. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62:1017-1026. PDF
- 36. Rutowski, R.L.; Macedonia, J.M. 2008. Limits on the wavelengths represented in ultraviolet images of Lepidoptera. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 62:133-137. PDF
- 35. Kemp, D.J.; Macedonia, J.M. 2007. Male mating bias and the potential reproductive consequences in the butterfly, Colias eurytheme. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61:415-422. PDF
- 34. Plasman, M.; Duchateau, M.J.H.M.; Macedonia, J.M. 2007. Anti-predation behaviour of Dickerson's collared lizard, Crotaphytus dickersonae. Animal Biology 57:231-246. PDF
- 33. Rutowski, R.L.; Macedonia, J.M.; Merry, J.W.; Morehouse, N.; Yturralde, K.; Taylor-Taft, L.; Gaalema, D.; Kemp, D.J.; and Papke, R.S. 2007. Iridescent ultraviolet signaling in the orange sulphur butterfly, Colias eurytheme. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 90:349-364. PDF
- 32. Rutowski, R.L.; Macedonia, J.M.; Taylor-Taft, L.; Kemp, D.J. 2007. Ultraviolet coloration in female sulphur butterflies (Coliadinae, Pieridae). Arthropod Structure and Development 36:280-290. PDF
- 31. Kemp, D.J.; Macedonia, J.M. 2006. Structural ultraviolet ornamentation in the butterfly Hypolimnas bolina L. (Nymphalidae): visual, morphological, and ecological properties. Australian Journal of Zoology 54:235-344. PDF
- 30. Lappin, A.K.; Brandt, Y.; Husak, J.F.; Macedonia, J.M.; Kemp, D.J. 2006. Gaping displays reveal and amplify a mechanically-based index of weapon performance. American Naturalist, 168:100-113. PDF
- 29. Husak, J.F.; Macedonia, J.M.; Fox, S.F.; and Sauceda, R. 2006. Predation cost of conspicuous male coloration in collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris): an experimental test using clay-covered model lizards. Ethology 112:572-580. PDF
- 28. Rutowski, R.L.; Macedonia, J.M.; Morehouse, N.; and Taylor-Taft, L. 2005. Pterin pigments amplify iridescent ultraviolet signal in males of the orange sulphur butterfly, Colias eurytheme. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B. 272:2329-2335. PDF
- 27. Macedonia, J.M.; Husak, J.; Brandt, J.M.; Lappin, A.K.; Baird, T.A. 2004. Sexual dichromatism and color conspicuousness in three populations of collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris) from Oklahoma, USA. Journal of Herpetology 38:340-354. PDF
- 26. Macedonia, J.M.; Echternacht, A.C.; Walguarnery, J.W. 2003. Color variation, habitat light, and background contrast in Anolis carolinensis along a geographical transect in Florida. Journal of Herpetology 37:467-478. PDF
- 25. Macedonia, J.M.; Clark, D.L. 2003. Headbob display structure in the naturalized Anolis lizards of Bermuda: sex, context, and population effects. Journal of Herpetology 37:266-276. PDF
- 24. Macedonia, J.M.; Brandt, Y.M.; Clark, D.L. 2002. Sexual dichromatism, adaptive colouration and differential conspicuousness in two populations of the collared lizard, Crotaphytus collaris. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 77:67-85. PDF
- 23. Macedonia, J.M. 2001. Habitat light, colour variation, and ultraviolet reflectance in the Grand Cayman anole, Anolis conspersus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 73:299-320. PDF
- 22. Macedonia, J.M.; Clark, D.L. 2001. Headbob display analysis of the Grand Cayman anole, Anolis conspersus. Journal of Herpetology 35:300-310. PDF
- 21. Macedonia, J.M.; James, S.; Wittle, L.W.; Clark, D.L. 2000. Skin Pigments and coloration in the Jamaican radiation of Anolis lizards. Journal of Herpetology 34:99-109. PDF
- 20. Clark, D.L.; Macedonia, J.M.; Rosenthal, G.G. 1997. Testing video playback to lizards in the field. Copeia 1997:421-423. PDF
- 19. Mitani, J.C.; Gros-Louis, J.; Macedonia, J.M. 1996. Selection for acoustic individuality within the vocal repertoire of wild chimpanzees. International Journal of Primatology 17:569-583. PDF
- 18. Macedonia, J.M.; Stamps, J.A. 1994. Species recognition in the lizard, Anolis grahami (Reptilia, Iguanidae): Evidence from video playbacks of conspecific and heterospecific displays. Ethology 98:246-264. PDF
- 17. Macedonia, J.M.; Stanger, K.F. 1994. Phylogeny of the Lemuridae revisited: Evidence from communication signals. Folia Primatologica 63:1-43. PDF
- 16. Stanger, K.F.; Macedonia, J.M. 1994. Vocalizations of the aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) in captivity. Folia Primatologica 62: 160-169. PDF
- 15. Macedonia, J.M.; Evans, C.S.; Losos, J.B. 1994. Male Anolis lizards discriminate video-recorded conspecific and heterospecific displays. Animal Behaviour 47:1220-1223. PDF
- 14. Macedonia, J.M. 1993. The vocal repertoire of the ringtailed lemur, Lemur catta. Folia Primatologica 61:186-217. PDF
- 13. Macedonia, J.M. 1993. Adaptation and phylogenetic constraints in the antipredator behavior of ringtailed and ruffed lemurs, pp 67-84 in: The Ecological Basis of Lemur Social Systems. (P. Kappeler & J. Ganzhorn, eds.) Plenum Press, New York. PDF
- 12. Evans, C.S.; Macedonia, J.M.; Marler, P. 1993. Effects of size and speed on responses of chickens (Gallus gallus) to computer-generated animations of aerial predators. Animal Behaviour 46:1-11. PDF
- 11. Macedonia, J.M.; Evans, C.S. 1993. Variation among mammalian alarm call systems and the problem of meaning in animal signals. Ethology 93:177-197. PDF
- 10. Shedd, D.H.; Macedonia, J.M. 1991. Metachromism and its phylogenetic implications for the prosimian genus Eulemur (Prosimii: Lemuridae). Folia Primatologica 57:221-231. PDF
- 09. Macedonia, J.M.; Yount, P.L. 1991. Auditory assessment of avian predator threat in semi-captive ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta). Primates 32:169-182. PDF
- 08. Pereira, M.E.; Macedonia, J.M. 1991. Ringtailed lemur antipredator calls denote predator class, not response urgency. Animal Behaviour 41:543-544. PDF
- 07. Macedonia, J.M. 1990. What is communicated in the antipredator calls of lemurs: Evidence from playback experiments with ringtailed and ruffed lemurs. Ethology 86:177-190. PDF
- 06. Pereira, M.E.; Macedonia, J.M.; Haring, D.M.; Simons, E.L. 1989. Maintenance of primates in captivity for research: The need for naturalistic environments, pp 40-60 in: Housing, Care, and Psychological Well-Being of Captive Primates. (E.F. Segal, ed.) Noyes: N.Y. PDF
- 05. Macedonia, J.M.; Polak, J.F. 1989. Visual Assessment of avian threat in semi-captive ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta). Behaviour 111:291-304. PDF
- 04. Pereira, M.E.; Seeligson, M.L.; Macedonia, J.M. 1988. The behavioral repertoire of the black-and-white ruffed lemur, Varecia variegata variegata (Primates: Lemuridae). Folia Primatologica 51:1-32. PDF Spectrograms.pdf
- 03. Macedonia, J.M. 1987. Effects of housing differences on the activity budgets of captive sifakas (Propithecus verreauxi). Zoo Biology 6:55-67. PDF
- 02. Macedonia, J.M. 1986. Individuality in a contact call of the ringtailed lemur (Lemur catta). American Journal of Primatology 11:163-179. PDF
- 01. Macedonia, J.M.; Taylor, L.L. 1985. Subspecific divergence in a loud call of the ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata). American Journal of Primatology 9:295-304. PDF